Meet the Team

West Cork has been the backdrop to so many of our favourite adventures, celebrations and memories that it felt natural to want to share the best that West Cork has to offer it with others and help you make your own favourite West Cork memories.

  • Events & Social Media

    It all begins with an idea, and Michel has plenty of ideas. But sometimes we all need some help bringing that idea to life! Despite being Irish - I am still considered a blow-in to West Cork and probably will continue to be considered one for a while. Someone once told me 20 years is the time it takes to transition to a ‘local!’

    Currently I am looking after the events section and social media. I have wanted to be involved for some time but wanted to make sure it was something that I was really adding value to the work that Michel was already doing. Despite only being here 4 years - West Cork has become ‘home’ for me and it is so wonderful to be able to give back to the wonderful landscape that gets us out of the house each weekend (weather permitting-ish)!

  • Founder | Website, Photo & Video Content

    My vision for West Cork Discovered is to inspire and enable you to discover and experience the best that West Cork has to offer and to put the most comprehensive collection of locations and activities in your pocket via your device.

    West Cork has been home for me for over 20 years and is the backdrop to my passions for photography & film-making, surfing, kite- & windsurfing and countless adventures with my wife, my daughter as well as family & friends.

    Go discover!