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More news from Nowhere

  • Gallery Asna Clonakilty, CO Ireland (map)

Gallery Asna is delighted to present 'More News from Nowhere,’ an exhibition of photographs of the sea by award winning West Cork photographer, John Beasley. 

The ever changing movement of the tides, the changing of the seasons, the varied and diverse geology of the West Cork coast, has always been a deep source of inspiration for Beasley, a past winner of the An Taisce Coastal Landscape photo of the year. ‘More News From Nowhere’ takes for its main subject the horizon line, that interminably hazy dividing line between the sea and the sky, between here and there, forever constant yet at the same time somehow illusory. Beasley writes: “Our connectivity with the ocean as a small island....encompasses us and in some way I feel has helped mould us. All the seas are linked, but I will forever get lost staring at the infinite line.”

 'More News from Nowhere' opens on Sat 1st June at 5.30pm and runs until Sat 29th June - We look forward to welcoming you all to Gallery Asna.

31 May

Ballydehob Country Music Festival

15 June

Clonakilty Street Festival