People of West Cork - Discover Artist Aidan O’Regan

In this month’s instalment of our series “People of West Cork”, I am very excited to feature Clonakilty-based artist Aidan O’Regan. Find out what inspires his work and why for Aidan, it’s “Clonakilty all the way baby!”


We asked Aidan:

“What does West Cork mean to you and what influence does it have on your work?”

Find out in his guest post that follows, including some samples of his work.

Aidan O’Regan - People of West Cork

Aidan O’Regan - People of West Cork

I have a love of West Cork but neither myself nor my wife Michelle drive so Clonakilty has to be at the heart of my West Cork, I've lived in the town all my life and this place is in my bones.

Writing about what inspires me and my work wouldn't come easy to me, however just after Michel had asked me to write a few words I was struck by how my town had really gifted me the ability to do what I do.

I was heading out early one Sunday morning a couple of weeks ago and as I walked through the town passing by the river and through the new streetscape it struck me how beautiful the town looked. In that quiet moment where there were no masks and I wasn't having to avoid people and there were no restrictions, it stuck me that this is what the core of Clonakilty is about, no restrictions.

Of course Clonakilty is a beautiful town, and the people see that the town comes first, ideas are encouraged, assisted and supported and as an artist I certainly have felt the benefits of this. There is no class distinction, people instead are judged on what they are, not who they are. Clonakilty sets high standards for itself and I feel a responsibility to work hard to pay back the support that it has been given to me.

Of course we live in a beautiful place, the beaches, the hedgerows, the rolling hills, and yes as an artist I soak all this up, but it's the characters of the town, past and present that really inspire me there's a 'music' to Clonakilty.

Growing up in the 1980's & 90's I'd be going to gigs in De Barras, having the craic at the Busking Festival and the 60's weekends and I'm full of those memories and I still carry those feelings with me, I still take that music and its energy and transfer it into my work.

I like to think that I can take my love of a great tune, the emotion of music, the way it rises up inside you and grabs hold of you, the way it moves me, and I can transfer that feeling and energy into my paintings, to throw all of that it into a canvas gives me a marvelous sense of satisfaction.

As an artist I would probably describe myself as a colourist by nature. Matching colour with movement and there's obviously elements of landscape within my work, but I'm always amazed at how the viewer perceives different things, and I'm always happy to go with that...especially if it leads to a purchase!! ...and let's cut to the chase sales are your biggest drive.

In October 2019 I had a show of work in the space that is now my gallery and studio. I hadn't intended to stay in the space after the show but because of the support and interest of the town I decided to keep it on and now it's become an open studio where people can see me working. I'm there everyday listening to the radio, dancing and singing along and enjoying my part of the town. Sometimes you don't know your bogged down in a painting until you get distracted by someone talking to you and that someone coming into the gallery has the ability to change the direction I might be going in, to change my emotions and it will knock me off sideways into a different train of thought, and that feeling in turn will find itself on the canvas. My biggest inspiration comes from the people of the town, whether they're locals, visitors or just passing through, everyone gets the magic of Clonakilty and they soak it up, and in turn that adds something to the town.

Anyone that knows me knows I'm quite a shy guy by nature, and that I've constantly doubted myself but I've used this to drive me on and to be the best I can. I'm now in a place where I know where I want to go as an artist and so I feel comfortable, inspiration comes from the people of my town because they've got behind me , they've allowed me to be comfortable being who I am, an artist.

I take enormous pride in being from West Cork, but it's Clonakilty all the way baby!


Some samples of Aidan’s work - enjoy!

Follow Aidan O’Regan and find out more about his work and art here:

Website | Instagram | Facebook


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