People of West Cork - Discover Lena O’Driscoll

In this month’s instalment of our series “People of West Cork”, Lena O’Driscoll - Yoga & Zumba Instructor, talks to us about her journey of re-connecting with her native West Cork. Find out how being connected to nature helped her truly appreciate and realise the beauty of West Cork and the Wild Atlantic Way.

Lena O’ Driscoll, Yoga & Zumba Instructor  - People of West Cork

Lena O’ Driscoll, Yoga & Zumba Instructor - People of West Cork. Images(©) by Michel Colaci Photography @michelcolaci


We asked Lena:

“What does West Cork mean to you and how does it relate to your wellbeing and mindfulness practices?”

Find out in her guest post that follows.


During my big awakening in March 2019, being connected to nature was one major discovery and I was brought to a deep understanding of the importance of our relationship with it. After spending many years travelling the world and living and working abroad in different countries, I began to truly appreciate and realise the beauty of West Cork and the privilege of having grown up beside the sea. Before, I couldn’t relate to people when they would tell me that they love West Cork and the Wild Atlantic Way and would even travel from far to come here on their holidays. 

Now, when I am in West Cork I feel like I could be anywhere in the world. I couldn’t stop imagining on my walks at The Warren Beach having a Yoga and Zumba class there and I knew I had to make it happen! 

From personal experience, when one is living in the present moment, grateful for the gift of life and in harmony with nature’s ebb and flow then one is joyful. Nature can help us to achieve balance in our lives, know ourselves on a deeper level and value the meaning of life. Our world is in constant flux and I am a strong believer that humanity is coming back to nature, so, I decided that providing outdoor yoga and zumba classes in West Cork could help people become aware of this and encourage mindfulness. My aim is to impress people that if they could heal their own bodies and minds then they would be capable of healing and taking care of the planet.

In much of my research I have learnt about the significance of grounding oneself and I find it interesting. Grounding, also called earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth. Electrical charges from the earth can have positive effects on your body.  I like to give people the option to do their yoga practice on a mat or towel or even better and more natural neither - just their body on the earth. For Zumba either barefoot or with trainers :).

Lena O' Driscoll West Cork Discovered.jpg

Recconnecting with nature is the theme and emphasis around both outdoor Yoga and Zumba classes to benefit body and mind, make you feel more in tune with yourself and the world around you. There is no denying that no matter what, nature will always help you to be calm, have more clarity and make you feel better! Many of the poses in the yoga practice are named after animals and their movements. Taking classes outdoors can help people to open their minds up to whats around them even if it’s just simply enjoying the birds song. It will make you more present and fully awakens your senses.  A cool gust of wind or even the smell of blooming flowers to make you be in the moment. It is a change to your usual routine. By practicing outside, you will appreciate the beauty in the little things you normally take for granted. 

The sun and vitamin D: During the winter months, we miss the sun! Starting or ending your day with a class outside means an added vitamin D dose. Vitamin D is essential. It is a great mood booster, keeps our bones strong and muscles healthy. You’re healing, maintaining and improving your body with vitamin D from the sun. Soaking up the vitamin D naturally during the classes helps to bring about greater vitality and energy. A bonus is being in the magic of a sunrise or sunset class.

Lastly, outdoor yoga and zumba benefits your mental health. It’s not new to us that getting outside, back to nature and moving our bodies is good for our psyche’s and can expand our consciousness. Practicing yoga and zumba outside combines exercise, releasing endorphins and the natural world. These two work incredibly well together, improving your sense of self, from feeling more confident and happier to carefree and open. Yoga is such a beautiful practice and one that can be taken up any time, with minimal equipment and time. Right now more than ever, we need to take care of ourselves; know who we are; draw our attention inwards to our inner dimensions and reality; exercise our bodies; be able to express ourselves in Zumba and enjoy the outdoors when we can.

I have always admired the Yogis that went out into the wilderness to be at one with nature and in West Cork one has the opportunity to do the same. Yoga encourages you to reflect, relax, destress and most importantly, reconnect with nature. What could be a more liberating, exhilarating and wonderful way to enhance well-being than being grounded to the Earth’s energy; looking at the view of the ocean; having the grass or sand surrounding you; hearing the noise from the sea waves and breathing the fresh air into your lungs.

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Benefits of Yoga:                                                                                       

Yoga integrates the mind, the body and the spirit and forms a strong connection to the heart. It helps people to re-connect with their soul and soul purpose, expands consciousness and clarifies things in people’s lives and can help to fullfill personal destiny. With the wisdom gained through self-awareness, you will come to know yourself deeply, directly, and powerfully. With regular daily practice, you will see your body transform, feel more energetic, and actually be more happier and more compassionate. The practice of yoga is a decision to believe in yourself against all odds. It is a choice you make to walk down a self-empowering path toward your own liberation from suffering and to true freedom.

Many of us do Yoga and Zumba in studios, halls or rooms where it can be too crowded, sticky and hard to breathe so, I offer an alternative and relief from the busy indoor classes most of us are used to by taking my services to the beach and park.

Having a deep admiration and fascination with Brazil, Colombia and Portugal and how the people live there, I thought to bring a taste of Latin culture to West Cork for a positive experience. In South America, I saw that people are always happy, dancing and having fun. We can do the same here in Ireland having more of an open culture so, Zumba on the beach could be ideal to raise the vibes. 

What a delight to see people lift their spirits and get high with the cheerful beats and rhythms of Zumba’s Basic Steps : Merengue, Salsa, Cumbia and Reggaeton.

Benefits of Zumba: 

  • Great dynamic core workout

  • High caloric expenditure

  • Easy, non-intimidating learning environment

  • Weight loss

  • Positive self-image

  • A sculpted body

  • Exercise in disguise

  • It’s FUN!!

Follow Lena and find out more here:

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