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Things to do in West Cork

Flight to Downeen Castle, St. Patrick's Day 2021
Videos Michel Colaci Videos Michel Colaci

Flight to Downeen Castle, St. Patrick's Day 2021

In this video - "flight to Downeen Castle" shot in West Cork Ireland, every aspect of the vision I had for this video had to come together in a very brief moment - I had speculated that the morning sunlight would hit just the top third of this mystical looking castle tower for only a few minutes during sunrise and I envisaged this would lend it an even more mystical appearance.

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Chasing Waves after a Storm in West Cork
Videos Michel Colaci Videos Michel Colaci

Chasing Waves after a Storm in West Cork

I have been curious about capturing waves on video in creative ways, flying close to them, over them, alongside them and with them. We had a Big Storm in West Cork and I ventured out the next morning to go chase waves…

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